Franchise, Transition and RFA Tenders
Provides the current and projected amounts required to tender a free agent with these designations.
Contract History
Compare how today’s active contracts weigh against contracts signed by players who played in the salary cap era.
Career Earnings
Lists the total earnings of active and retired NFL players.
Historical Team Spending
Chronicles how much cash teams have spent on players.
Snap Count History
Tracks playtime of players since 2011.
Special Teamers
Lists players who have contributed at least 50% of special teams snaps in at least one of the past four seasons.
Contract Triggers Calendar
Learn when certain clauses in players’ contracts trigger, including salary guarantees, roster bonuses, and team options.
Contract Proration Ratios
Learn how general managers of each team structure their players’ contracts by how much guaranteed money is prorated into bonuses.
Proven Performance Escalator Projections
Lists out the players that are projected to receive the Proven Performance Escalator in Year 4 of their rookie contracts.
Contract Utilization
The OTC Contract Utilization Index is a metric that helps determine the basic return a team gets in a given season on their investment in a player.
Cap Dollars By College
Investigate the distribution of cap spending by college: overall, by team, and by conference.