2017 NFL Roster Textures

Jason gave an excellent breakdown of NFL rosters last night as we prepare for the beginning of the 2017 NFL season. In turn, as a complement I thought I’d give a quick overview of OTC’s texture page, and provide a quick list of 32 observations, one for each team. You are encouraged to make your […]

Guaranteed Salaries and the NFL

I actually wrote this up a few weeks ago when Tom Brady’s wife mentioned him playing with concussions and there was talk on the prospect of players hiding injuries because contracts are not guaranteed. I’m not sure why I never got around to publishing it, but it kind of fell by the wayside. With the […]

Jets Release David Harris

The Jets cut veteran linebacker David Harris today, just a few days after finalizing a trade to bring Demario Davis in from Cleveland. The Jets will save $6.5 million with the release which is money that the team will likely be banking for 2018 as the full rebuilding of the team continues. The cutting of […]