The 30 Worst Signings of 2017

This is the time of year where teams start signing extensions and in about a week the official free agency madness begins and generally everyone is very excited as they sign players, but not all those contracts work out. Normally I do these “worst of” lists during the dead part of the NFL offseason, but […]

Breaking Down The NFL’s Final Four

The common line of thinking in the NFL is that you need a great quarterback to succeed, which has driven the league to the point where half the NFL every year pays over 10% of the cap to about half of the league’s quarterbacks. Every quality of quarterback is in this group, yet only one […]

Big Spenders in 2017

With the season taking shape now I figured it would be a good time to look back at what teams spent in 2017 to see if they are getting the expected return or not. To qualify as a new expense in spending a player must have signed a new contract in 2017, have the contract […]