NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1Minimum Salaries
Beginning in the 2020 League Year, for the duration of this Agreement only, the Paragraph 5 Salary of any player on a Club’s Active/Inactive List at any time during the regular season will be not less than the following:
#CS | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 |
0 | $610 | $660 | $705 | $750 | $795 | $840 | $885 | $930 | $975 | $1,020 | $1,065 |
1 | $675 | $780 | $825 | $870 | $915 | $960 | $1,005 | $1,050 | $1,095 | $1,140 | $1,185 |
2 | $750 | $850 | $895 | $940 | $985 | $1,030 | $1,075 | $1,120 | $1,165 | $1,210 | $1,255 |
3 | $825 | $920 | $965 | $1,010 | $1,055 | $1,100 | $1,145 | $1,190 | $1,235 | $1,280 | $1,325 |
4-6 | $910 | $990 | $1,035 | $1,080 | $1,125 | $1,170 | $1,215 | $1,260 | $1,305 | $1,350 | $1,395 |
7+ | $1,050 | $1,075 | $1,120 | $1,165 | $1,210 | $1,255 | $1,300 | $1,345 | $1,390 | $1,435 | $1,480 |
(all amounts in thousands of dollars)
(CS = Credited Seasons)
Beginning in the 2020 League Year, for the duration of this Agreement only, the Minimum Salary of any player not on a Club’s Active/Inactive List (excluding Practice Squad) shall be as follows:
#CS | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 |
0 | $400 | $415 | $430 | $450 | $470 | $490 | $515 | $540 | $565 | $590 | $615 |
1 | $425 | $440 | $455 | $475 | $495 | $515 | $540 | $565 | $590 | $615 | $640 |
2 | $450 | $465 | $480 | $500 | $520 | $540 | $565 | $590 | $615 | $640 | $665 |
3 | $475 | $490 | $505 | $525 | $545 | $565 | $590 | $615 | $640 | $665 | $690 |
4-6 | $500 | $515 | $530 | $550 | $570 | $590 | $615 | $640 | $665 | $690 | $715 |
7+ | $550 | $565 | $580 | $600 | $620 | $640 | $665 | $690 | $715 | $740 | $765 |
(all amounts in thousands of dollars)
(CS = Credited Seasons)
Additional Game Check. Beginning in the 2021 League Year, for the duration of this Agreement only, in any League Year in which seventeen regular season games are played, any player whose NFL Player Contract specifies a Paragraph 5 Salary that exceeds the Minimum Salary for a player on the Club’s Active/Inactive List with such player’s own number of Credited Seasons, as defined in Section 2 of this Article, shall be eligible to receive an Additional Game Check subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) the player’s contract that specified Paragraph 5 Salary in the 2021 League Year or any subsequent League Year that exceeded the Minimum Salary for a player on the Club’s Active/Inactive List with such player’s own number of Credited Seasons was executed prior to February 26, 2020 (“First Contract”); (ii) the First Contract was not renegotiated and/or extended after such date, unless the renegotiation (and any subsequent renegotiation) was for the sole purpose of (1) converting any portion of a player’s Paragraph 5 Salary and/or Roster Bonus amounts set forth in the player’s NFL Player Contract into Signing Bonus (“Conversion”), provided that (A) the original term of the First Contract is not augmented, reduced and/or extended in any way (including, but not limited to, by means of new void and/or option provisions), unless the augmentation is the result of a provision stating that a specified contract year or years shall void automatically upon a specified day or date or upon the achievement of a roster condition with no additional contingencies (“Automatic Voidable Year”), and, upon achievement of such void provision, the original term of the First Contract remains unchanged; (B) the applicable Paragraph 5 Salary and/or Roster Bonus amounts are reduced on a dollar-for-dollar basis by an amount equal to the resulting Signing Bonus; (C) all other compensation terms remain unchanged; and (D) no Salary guarantees were added to the renegotiated contract (except for the portion of the player’s Paragraph 5 Salary and/or Roster Bonus that was converted into Signing Bonus); and/or (2) adding non-compensation provision(s) to the NFL Player Contract that did not affect the original term and/or total compensation provided for in the First Contract (e.g., insurance clause), provided that no Salary guarantees were added to the renegotiated contract; (iii) the player was on the Club’s Active/Inactive List or Reserve/Injured List for the seventeenth game of that season, or the Club terminates the player’s contract prior to the seventeenth game of that season and (1) the player is eligible to claim Termination Pay under that contract; or (2) the player’s Paragraph 5 Salary in that League Year was guaranteed in whole (i.e., a guarantee that is applicable to all 18 weeks of the regular season during a season in which 17 regular season games are played) and he was terminated for a reason covered by the terms of that guarantee. A qualifying player shall receive an amount equal to one-seventeenth of his stated Paragraph 5 Salary for such League Year under the First Contract, which amount shall be paid to the player in lump sum at the conclusion of the regular season; provided, however, that in the event the Club terminates the player’s contract prior to the seventeenth game of the season and the player is eligible to claim Termination Pay under that contract, or the player’s Paragraph 5 Salary was guaranteed in whole, the full amount of player’s Additional Game Check shall be included in any claim for Termination Pay under that contract or in addition to the amount of the Paragraph 5 Salary guarantee. In the 2021 League Year, the first $48 million of the League-wide cost of the Additional Game Check shall be funded by the PerformanceBased Pool for the 2021 League Year, as provided in Article 28, with a corresponding reduction in the total amount of the Pool for that League Year. In the 2021 League Year, if the $48 million taken from the Performance-Based Pool is insufficient to fund the League-wide Cost of the Additional Game Check, the shortfall shall be funded by the 2021 Rookie Redistribution Fund, as provided in Article 7, Section 9, up to the total amount of the Fund for that League Year (i.e., up to $64 million). If the combined amount taken from the 2021 Performance-Based Pool and the 2021 Rookie Redistribution Fund (i.e., $112 million) is insufficient to fund the League-wide cost of the Additional Game Check, the shortfall shall be funded as a new Player Benefit that will be treated in the same manner as any other Player Benefit Cost. In the 2022-30 League Years, the League-wide Cost of the Additional Game Check shall be funded by the Rookie Redistribution Fund for the applicable League Year. If the Rookie Redistribution Fund for the applicable League Year is insufficient to fund the total cost of the Additional Game Check in that League Year, the shortfall shall be funded as a new Player Benefit that will be treated in the same manner as any other Player Benefit Cost.