NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Appendix POffseason Workout Addendum for Player Under Contract
“PLAYER”: _______________________________
“CLUB”: _______________________________
DATE: _______________________________
This Addendum shall be part of the NFL Player Contract (“Contract”) between Player and Club.
In the event Club elects to conduct a voluntary offseason workout program (the “Program”) during the [year(s)] offseason(s), and Player is under contract to Club during such Program, Player shall be invited to participate in the Program. This offseason program shall be conducted pursuant to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) including, without limitation, Article 21 and Appendix G.
In the event Player elects to participate in the Program, Player shall receive the minimum daily amount specified in Article 21, Section 3 of the CBA, subject to the terms and conditions of that Section, as well as any additional consideration for participation in Club’s Program specified elsewhere in Player’s NFL Player Contract. All offseason compensation shall be subject to deduction for federal, state and local income taxes, social security, and any other lawful withholdings and deductions, as applicable. The minimum daily amount specified in Article 21, Section 3 shall be paid to Player on a weekly or biweekly basis over the course of the Program.
In the event Player is injured during the Program while working out at the Club’s facility under the direction of a Club official, the terms and conditions of Article 21, Section 4 of the CBA and any applicable paragraph of Player’s NFL Player Contract shall govern the respective rights and obligations of Player and Club.
By: ___________________________ _______________________________
____________________________ ________________________________
Date Date
Contract Advisor