NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Appendix BFirst Refusal Offer Sheet
Name of Player: Date:
Address of Player: Name of New Team:
Name and Address of Name of Prior Team:
Player’s Representative
Authorized to Act for Player:
Address of Prior Team:
Principal Terms of NFL Player Contract With New Team:
[Supply Information on this Sheet or on Attachment]
1. Salary to be paid, guaranteed or loaned (i.e., Paragraph 5 Salary; signing, reporting and roster bonuses; deferred compensation (including the specified installments and the specified dates); amount and terms of loans, if any; and description of variation and method of calculation, if any, for Salary in Principal Terms that may be variable and/or calculable (i.e., only likely to be earned team incentives for New Team [not to exceed 15% of Salary] and generally recognized League-wide Honors [listed in Exhibit C to Article 13 of this Agreement]: [Please identify every component of such payment (e.g., signing bonus, salary,etc.) and indicate if any component or portion thereof is guaranteed or based upon specific incentives].
2. Modifications and additions to NFL Player Contract(s): [or attach marked-up copy ofNFL Player Contract(s)]
3. Other terms (that need not be matched):
Player: New Club:
By: _______________________ By: _________________________
Chief Operating Officer