Week 9 FanDuel Fantasy Football Contest


We have another FanDuel league set up for the week if you would like to join in. The entry fee is $2 and its a 10 team league. The league will run even if we have less, but hopefully we get 10 again this week. Prizes go to the top 3 teams and the deadline for entry is a few minutes before the 1PM kickoff on Sunday.

Follow this links for the OTC Week 9 FanDuel League

If you haven’t tried FanDuel out yet its basically a weekly fantasy football league where your team is made up within the constraints of a salary cap. They do have free games to try out and if you click through the link you should be able to see how the game works and how you pick a team with no commitments.

It was a tight contest last week with chaplainward120 taking first place with Arian Foster putting up huge numbers for his team. Tokyola was a very close second while Indianajet snuck into 3rd place.

My own team came in 6th as I had a strong feeling in the Seahawks offense and boy was that a bad idea.  I had almost no hope of overcoming that poor performance and then Jordy Nelson did little in the night game and I was completely sunk.

If for some reason anyone gets shut out because we fill up just let me know and we can see about expanding the league next week if we have enough. Good luck to everyone this week.