Earlier this year I partnered with my co-author of Crunching Numbers, Vijay Natarajan, to touch on 10 things that we thought should be worth looking at in the next CBA. Some may be a bit out of reach but its better to aim high than just settle for something because its easier. Here are the links to the 10 articles.
CBA Suggestion Number 1: Reducing the Length of Rookie Contracts to Two Years
CBA Suggestion Number 2: Revamp the Rookie Contract Rules
CBA Suggestion Number 3: Increase Mandatory Injury Protection
CBA Suggestion Number 4: Raise Team and League Wide Spending Requirements
CBA Suggestion Number 5: Reinstitute Salary Cap minimum Spending
CBA Suggestion Number 6: Salary Cap Amnesty Clause
CBA Suggestion Number 7: The Elimination of the Funding Rule
CBA Suggestion Number 8: Improve the Revenue Split