NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement

Article 39
Players’ Rights To Medical Care and Treatment

Section 20(d)(iii)
Prescription Medication and Pain Management Program


Upon the initiation of an investigation following receipt of a written complaint, the Representatives will have the authority to interview the complaining party and all other parties, witnesses, and others reasonably believed to be in possession of relevant information (including players, league employees, club employees, and members of the relevant club(s)’medical staff(s)). Upon request from any Representative, the parties, witnesses, and other persons described in the preceding sentence shall provide to the Representatives, as quickly as reasonably possible, all evidence relevant to investigating the complaint. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. The failure to produce or maintain relevant documents shall be deemed a violation of this Agreement and such violation shall result in discipline as specified herein. The Representatives will make a good faith effort to complete their investigation as soon as possible following the filing of a complaint.