NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Pro Bowl Game
Section 4Injury
In the event a player is injured in a Pro Bowl Game or practice (“Pro Bowl Injury”) and as a direct result of such injury the player is unable to perform in any regular season game in the immediately following NFL season, he shall be deemed an “Injured Player” for the purpose of this Article.
If at the time of his Pro Bowl Injury an Injured Player has an NFL Player Contract for the immediately following NFL season, the player will be paid by his Club the weekly installments of his salary covering the games missed.
If at the time of his Pro Bowl Injury an Injured Player does not have an NFL Player Contract for the immediately following NFL season and does not sign such a contract, the player will be paid for each regular season game missed (“Injury Compensation”). Injury Compensation shall equal one-sixteenth (1/16th) of the greater of: (i) one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the player’s prior year’s Paragraph 5 Salary; or (ii) “Pro Bowl Starter’s Pay,” as that term is defined in Section 4(d) below.
For the purpose of this Article, the term “Pro Bowl Starter’s Pay” means one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the average of the prior year’s Paragraph 5 Salaries (e.g., 2020 Paragraph 5 Salaries for the Pro Bowl Game to be played in the 2020 League Year) for all NFL players who started eight or more games at the playing position at which the Injured Player was voted to or selected for the Pro Bowl Game except with respect to kickers, punters, and long snappers, whose equivalent Pro Bowl Starter’s Pay shall equal one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the average of the prior year’s 2020 Paragraph 5 Salaries for the players at those respective positions who were on the 48-player roster for the most games during the 2020 regular season with their respective Clubs. For return specialists and special teams players, “Pro Bowl Starter’s Pay” shall equal one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the average of the prior year’s 2020 Paragraph 5 Salaries for the players at those respective positions who were listed on the Position Guide by their respective Clubs for selection to the 2020 League Year Pro Bowl. Pro Bowl Starter’s Pay shall be calculated on an annual basis, as described in this Section 4(d).
Injury Compensation, as described in Section 4(c) above, shall be deemed a “Benefit” under Article 12, Section 2(a), subject to further terms and conditions set forth in Section 4(f) below.
If an Injured Player described in Section 4(c) above signs an NFL Player Contract for the immediately following NFL season, then: (i) all Injury Compensation paid to the player prior to signing such Player Contract shall be deemed a Benefit under Article 12, Section 2(a); (ii) if the Paragraph 5 Salary specified in the Player Contract is greater than or equal to the Injury Compensation to which the player would otherwise be entitled under Section 4(c) above, the player shall not be entitled to receive Injury Compensation. In such a case, the signing Club shall be responsible for paying the player’s weekly Paragraph 5 Salary for regular season games missed by the player, and such amounts shall not be deemed a Benefit under Article 12, Section 2(a), but shall be considered Salary and charged to the Club’s Team Salary; and (iii) if the Paragraph 5 Salary specified in the Player Contract is less than the Injury Compensation to which the player is entitled under Section 4(c) above, the signing Club shall be responsible for paying the player’s weekly Paragraph 5 Salary for regular season games missed by the player, and such amounts shall not be deemed a Benefit under Article 12, Section 2(a), but shall be considered Salary and charged to the Club’s Team Salary. In such a case, the player shall also receive the Injury Compensation to which he is entitled under Section 4(c) above, net of the weekly Paragraph 5 Salary paid to the player by the Club (“Adjusted Injury Compensation”) for games missed by the player. For any game missed by an Injured Player, under no circumstances shall such player receive, with respect to Paragraph 5 Salary, more than: (i) the stated amount of his weekly Paragraph 5 Salary, if such amount is greater than or equal to the Injury Compensation to which the player would otherwise be entitled for such game; or (ii) the stated amount of his weekly Paragraph 5 Salary plus Adjusted Injury Compensation, if the player’s weekly Paragraph 5 Salary is less than the Injury Compensation to which player is entitled for such game. The player’s Adjust Injury Compensation shall be deemed a Benefit under Article 12, Section 2(a).
In addition to the payments described in Sections 4(b) through 4(f) above, a player who sustains a Pro Bowl Injury may also qualify to receive a lump-sum payment in the amount of $1 million if the injury is among those listed in Category 1 ($1 Million Injuries) of Appendix T. In the alternative, the player may qualify to receive a lump-sum payment in the amount of $500,000 if the injury is among those listed in Category 2 ($500,000 Injuries) of Appendix T. In either case, the nature and extent of the injury must meet the criteria specified for such injury in the applicable category, and the player must undergo any specified repair, reconstructive surgery or other treatment within the time period stated in the applicable category (e.g., “Category 1 Injuries ($1 Million): 1) Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament – The tear must be high grade and require repair/reconstructive surgery or other treatment within fifty (50) days of the date of injury.”). An Injured Player may qualify to receive payment under Category 1 or Category 2 of Appendix T whether or not: (i) the player has an NFL Player Contract for the immediately following NFL season; or (ii) the player is unable to perform in any regular season game in the immediately following NFL season. Any payment made to an Injured Player under this Section 4(g) shall be deemed a Benefit under Article 12, Section 2(a).
Any Injured Player who is unable to participate in all or part of the Pro Bowl Game as the result of a Pro Bowl Injury shall nevertheless be paid the Winning Team Share or the Losing Team Share specified in Section 1 of this Article, as applicable.