NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
No Strike/Lockout/Suit
Section 3Releases and Covenants Not to Sue
The NFLPA on behalf of itself, its members, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, agents, successors and assigns, releases and covenants not to sue, or to support financially or administratively, or voluntarily provide testimony of any kind, including by declaration or affidavit in, any suit or proceeding against the NFL or any NFL Club or any NFL Affiliate with respect to any antitrust claim, or any other claim relating to conduct engaged in pursuant to the express terms of any collective bargaining agreement during the term of any such agreement, with respect to any League Year prior to the 2020 League Year, including, without limitation, any such claim relating to any restrictions on free agency, any franchise player designations, any transition player designations, the Draft, the Entering Player Pool, the Rookie Compensation Pool, or collusion. For purposes of clarity, this release does not cover any claim of any retired player.
The NFL, on behalf of itself, the NFL, and the NFL Clubs and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, representatives, agents, successors and assigns, releases and covenants not to sue, or to support financially or administratively, or voluntarily provide testimony of any kind, including by declaration or affidavit in, any suit against the NFLPA or any of its members, or agents acting on its behalf, or any member of its bargaining unit, with respect to conduct occurring prior to the execution of this Agreement.
The releases and covenants not to sue in Subsections (a) and (b) above shall not apply to any Injury or Non-Injury Grievance, or any other proceeding, asserted under the 2011 CBA, or to any proceeding to confirm an Injury or Non-Injury Grievance or other award under the 2011 CBA.
Nothing in the foregoing is intended to limit the scope of the releases and covenants not to sue contained in Article 3, Sections 3(a) or 3(b) of the Prior Agreement.