NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
System Arbitrator
Section 6Selection of System Arbitrator
In the event that the NFL and NFLPA cannot agree on the identity of a System Arbitrator, the parties agree to ask the CPR Institute (or such other organization(s) as the parties may agree) for a list of eleven attorneys (none of whom shall have nor whose firm shall have represented within the past five years players, player representatives, clubs or owners in any professional sport). If the parties cannot within thirty days of receipt of such list agree to the identity of the System Arbitrator from among the names on such list, they shall alternately strike names from said list, until only three names remain, at which point the parties shall make reasonable efforts to interview the remaining candidates. After those interviews, and if the parties cannot agree on the selection, the striking process shall resume until only one name remains, and that person shall be the System Arbitrator. The first strike shall be determined by a coin flip. Upon selection, the System Arbitrator shall serve for an initial eighteen-month term commencing on the date of entry of the order of appointment. Thereafter, the System Arbitrator shall continue to serve for successive twoyear terms unless notice to the contrary is given either by the NFL or the NFLPA. Such notice shall be given to the other party and the System Arbitrator within the ninety days preceding the end of any term, but no later than thirty days prior to the end of such term. Following the giving of such notice, a new System Arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 6. The NFL and the NFLPA may dismiss the System Arbitrator at any time and for any reason upon their mutual consent. Unless the parties otherwise agree, a discharged System Arbitrator shall retain jurisdiction for any proceeding which has been commenced prior to such discharge.
In the event of the absence (or vacancy) of the System Arbitrator, one of the members of the Appeals Panel (to be chosen by the parties, confidentially using the strike system) shall serve as the System Arbitrator until a new System Arbitrator is chosen pursuant to Subsection (a) above.