NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Article 15System Arbitrator
Section 1. Appointment
The parties agree that the System Arbitrator shall have exclusive jurisdiction to enforce the terms of Articles 1, 4, 6–19, 26–28, 31, or 65–67 of this Agreement (except as provided in those Articles with respect to disputes determined by the Impartial Arbitrator, the Accountants, or another arbitrator).
Section 2. Scope of Authority(a)
The System Arbitrator shall make findings of fact and determinations of relief including, without limitation, damages (including damages referred to in Article 17, Section 9), injunctive relief, fines, and specific performance.
(b)The Appeals Panel shall accept the System Arbitrator’s findings of fact unless clearly erroneous and the System Arbitrator’s recommendations of relief unless based upon clearly erroneous findings of fact, incorrect application of the law, or abuse of discretion, except that, as to any finding concerning Article 17, any imposition of a fine of $1 million or more, or any finding that would permit termination of this Agreement, review shall be de novo.
(c)Subject to Subsections (a) and (b) above, the Appeals Panel shall determine all points of law and finally make the award of all relief including, without limitation, contract damages, injunctive relief, fines, and specific performance.
(d)Except for any matters for which the Appeals Panel has de novo review of the System Arbitrator’s determinations, rulings of the System Arbitrator shall upon their issuance be binding upon and followed by the parties unless stayed, reversed, or modified by the Appeals Panel. In entertaining a request for a stay of a ruling of the System Arbitrator, the Appeals Panel shall apply the standard that the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit would apply to a request for a stay of a ruling of a district court within that Circuit. If and when a decision of the System Arbitrator is reversed or modified, the effect of such reversal or modification shall be deemed by the parties to be retroactive to the time of issuance of the ruling of the System Arbitrator.
(e)The System Arbitrator’s and Appeals Panel’s authority shall be limited to the terms of Articles 1, 4, 6–19, 26–28, 31, or 65-67 of this Agreement (except as provided in those Articles with respect to disputes determined by the Impartial Arbitrator, the Accountants, or another arbitrator).
(f)Statute of Limitations. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, a three year statute of limitations shall apply to the initiation of proceedings before the System Arbitrator, which statute begins to apply on the date upon which the facts giving rise to the proceeding are known or reasonably should have been known to the party bringing the proceeding.
Section 3. Discovery
In any of the disputes described in this Agreement over which the System Arbitrator has authority, the System Arbitrator shall grant reasonable and expedited discovery upon the application of any party where, and to the extent, he determines it is reasonable to do so. Such discovery may include the production of documents and the taking of depositions. Subject to rules to be agreed to by the parties, in any proceeding to review any alleged violation of Article 12 of this Agreement regarding any AR issue, the System Arbitrator shall have the authority, upon good cause shown, to direct any Club to produce any tax materials disclosing any income figures for such Club or Club Affiliate (non-income figures may be redacted) which in his or her judgment relates to any such alleged violation, including but not limited to portions of any tax returns or other documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. Subject to rules to be agreed to by the parties, in any proceeding to review any alleged violation of Article 13 and/or Article 7 of this Agreement regarding any Salary paid to any player(s), the System Arbitrator shall have the authority, upon good cause shown, to direct any such player(s) to produce any tax materials disclosing any income figures for any such player or Player Affiliate (non-income figures may be redacted) which in his or her judgment relates to any such alleged violation, including but not limited to portions of any tax returns or other documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. In each case the System Arbitrator shall not release such tax materials to the general public, and any such tax materials shall be treated as strictly confidential under an appropriate protective order.
Section 4. Compensation
The compensation and costs of retaining the System Arbitrator and the Appeals Panel shall be equally borne by the NFL and the NFLPA. In no event shall any party be liable for the attorneys’ fees incurred in any such enforcement proceeding by any other party, except as set forth in Article 17.
Section 5. Procedures
All matters in enforcement proceedings before the System Arbitrator shall be heard and determined in an expedited manner. An enforcement proceeding may be commenced upon 72 hours written notice (or upon shorter notice if ordered by the System Arbitrator) served upon the party against whom the enforcement proceeding is brought and filed with the System Arbitrator. All such notices and all orders and notices issued and directed by the System Arbitrator shall be served upon the NFL and the NFLPA, in addition to any counsel appearing for individual NFL players or individual NFL Clubs. The NFL and the NFLPA shall have the right to participate in all such enforcement proceedings, and the NFLPA may appear in any enforcement proceedings on behalf of any NFL player who has given authority for such appearance. Unless otherwise agreed, all hearings will be transcribed.
Section 6. Selection of System Arbitrator(a)
In the event that the NFL and NFLPA cannot agree on the identity of a System Arbitrator, the parties agree to ask the CPR Institute (or such other organization(s) as the parties may agree) for a list of eleven attorneys (none of whom shall have nor whose firm shall have represented within the past five years players, player representatives, clubs or owners in any professional sport). If the parties cannot within thirty days of receipt of such list agree to the identity of the System Arbitrator from among the names on such list, they shall alternately strike names from said list, until only three names remain, at which point the parties shall make reasonable efforts to interview the remaining candidates. After those interviews, and if the parties cannot agree on the selection, the striking process shall resume until only one name remains, and that person shall be the System Arbitrator. The first strike shall be determined by a coin flip. Upon selection, the System Arbitrator shall serve for an initial eighteen-month term commencing on the date of entry of the order of appointment. Thereafter, the System Arbitrator shall continue to serve for successive twoyear terms unless notice to the contrary is given either by the NFL or the NFLPA. Such notice shall be given to the other party and the System Arbitrator within the ninety days preceding the end of any term, but no later than thirty days prior to the end of such term. Following the giving of such notice, a new System Arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 6. The NFL and the NFLPA may dismiss the System Arbitrator at any time and for any reason upon their mutual consent. Unless the parties otherwise agree, a discharged System Arbitrator shall retain jurisdiction for any proceeding which has been commenced prior to such discharge.
(b)In the event of the absence (or vacancy) of the System Arbitrator, one of the members of the Appeals Panel (to be chosen by the parties, confidentially using the strike system) shall serve as the System Arbitrator until a new System Arbitrator is chosen pursuant to Subsection (a) above.
Section 7. Selection of Appeals Panel(a)
There shall be a three-member Appeals Panel, at least one of whom must be a former judge. In the event the NFL and NFLPA cannot agree upon the members of such a panel, the parties will jointly ask the CPR Institute (or such other organization(s) as the parties may agree) to submit to the parties a list of fifteen (15) attorneys (none of whom shall have, nor whose firm shall have, represented within the past five (5) years any professional athletes; agents or other representatives of professional athletes; labor organizations representing athletes; sports leagues, governing bodies, or their affiliates; sports teams or their affiliates; or owners in any professional sport). If the parties cannot within fifteen (15) days from the receipt of such list agree to the identity of the Appeals Panel from among the names on such list, they shall meet and alternate striking one (1) name at a time from the list until three (3) names on the list remain. The first strike will be assigned to the party that received the second strike in the selection of the System Arbitrator, or a coin flip, if striking was not used in selecting the System Arbitrator. The three (3) remaining names on the list shall comprise the Appeals Panel. The compensation of the members of the Appeals Panel and the costs of proceedings before the Appeals Panel shall be borne equally by the parties to this Agreement; provided, however, that each participant in an Appeals Panel proceeding shall bear its own attorneys’ fees and litigation costs.
(b)In the event that there is a vacancy on the Appeals Panel, or in the event that an appeal is taken from a decision of a member of the Appeals Panel serving as the System Arbitrator pursuant to Subsection 6(b) above, the parties shall select another member to the Panel, using the procedures set forth in Subsection 7(a) above.
Section 8. Procedure for Appeals(a)
Any party seeking to appeal (in whole or in part) an award of the System Arbitrator must serve on the other party and file with the System Arbitrator a notice of appeal within ten (10) days of the date of the award appealed from.
(b)Following the timely service and filing of a notice of appeal, the NFLPA and NFL shall attempt to agree upon a briefing schedule. In the absence of such agreement, and subject to Subsection (d) below, the briefing schedule shall be set by the Appeals Panel; provided, however, that any party seeking to appeal (in whole or in part) from an award of the System Arbitrator shall be afforded no less than fifteen (15) and no more than twenty-five (25) days from the date of the issuance of such award, or the date of the issuance of the System Arbitrator’s written opinion, whichever is latest, to serve on the opposing party and file with the Appeals Panel its brief in support thereof; and provided further that the responding party or parties shall be afforded the same aggregate amount of time to serve and file its or their responding brief(s).
(c)The Appeals Panel shall schedule oral argument on the appeal(s) no less than five (5) and no more than ten (10) days following the service and filing of the responding brief(s), and shall issue a written decision within thirty (30) days from the date of argument. The Appeals Panel shall have the discretion to permit a reply brief.
(d)For good cause, either party may seek to accelerate the briefing, hearing, and decision schedule set forth in Subsections (b) and (c) above.
(e)The decision of the Appeals Panel shall constitute full, final, and complete disposition of the dispute. If there is no timely appeal of a decision of the System Arbitrator, the System Arbitrator’s decision shall constitute the full, final and complete disposition of the dispute.
Section 9. Decision
Any decision issued by the System Arbitrator or the Appeals Panel may be enforced only against a Club or Clubs or the League, as applicable, found to have violated this Agreement. In no event may the System Arbitrator or Appeals Panel order relief, or assess any monetary award, against an individual Club owner, officer, or nonplayer employee.
Section 10. Confidentiality
Unless the parties agree otherwise, proceedings before the System Arbitrator and Appeals Panel, other than their decisions, shall be confidential, and may not be disclosed to persons other than counsel, senior executives of the NFL and any involved Club, senior executives of the NFLPA, the NFLPA Executive Committee, NFLPA Player Representatives, and any involved player(s), player agent(s), or Club or League personnel. The foregoing does not prejudice the right of any party to seek any additional confidentiality restrictions (including as to the decision) from the System Arbitrator or Appeals Panel, if such party demonstrates just cause.