NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Article 14Enforcement of the Salary Cap and Rookie Compensation Pool
Section 1. Undisclosed Terms
A Club (or a Club Affiliate) and a player (or a Player Affiliate or player agent) may not, at any time, enter into undisclosed agreements of any kind, express or implied, oral or written, or promises, undertakings, representations, commitments, inducements, assurances of intent, or understandings of any kind (a) involving consideration of any kind to be paid, furnished or made available or guaranteed to the player, or Player Affiliate, by the Club or Club Affiliate either prior to, during, or after the term of the Player Contract; and/or (b) concerning the terms of any renegotiation and/or extension of any Player Contract by a player subject to a Franchise Player or Transition Player designation.
Section 2. Circumvention
Neither the parties hereto, nor any Club or player shall enter into any agreement, Player Contract, Offer Sheet or other transaction which includes any terms that are designed to serve the purpose of defeating or circumventing the intention of the parties as reflected by the provisions of this Agreement. However, any conduct permitted by this Agreement shall not be considered to be a violation of this Section.
Section 3. System Arbitrator Proceeding
Any individual player or the NFLPA acting on that player’s or any number of players’ behalf, the NFL, and any Club may bring a proceeding before the System Arbitrator alleging a violation of Article 7, Article 12, Article 13 or Article 14, Section 2 of this Agreement. Issues of relief and liability shall be determined in the same proceeding. Other than as set forth in Article 7, the complaining party shall bear the burden of demonstrating by a clear preponderance of the evidence that the challenged conduct was in violation of such Article.
Section 4. Commissioner Disapproval
In the event the Commissioner disapproves any Player Contract as being in violation of Article 7, Article 9, Article 10, or Article 13, he shall at the time of such disapproval notify the NFLPA, all affected Clubs, and all affected players of such disapproval in writing and the reasons therefor. Except as required by the terms of this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement is intended to affect (i) any authority of the Commissioner to approve or disapprove Player Contracts and (ii) the effect of the Commissioner’s approval or disapproval on the validity of such Player Contracts.
Section 5. System Arbitrator Review
In the event that the Commissioner disapproves a Player Contract pursuant to Section 4 above, the NFLPA, any affected Club, and any affected player shall have the right within thirty (30) days of such person’s notice of such disapproval to initiate a proceeding before the System Arbitrator to determine whether such contract is in violation of this Agreement. The System Arbitrator shall review the dispute de novo, and shall have the authority to approve such Player Contracts in lieu of the Commissioner’s approval, or confirm the Commissioner’s disapproval. In the event the Commissioner’s disapproval is upheld, the player and the Club shall have ten (10) days to attempt to renegotiate such Player Contract notwithstanding any other time period set forth in this Agreement. The System Arbitrator does not have the authority to impose any revisions to such Player Contract on the player or the Club.
Section 6. Sanctions(a)
Players and Agents. In the event that the System Arbitrator finds a violation of Subsections 1(a) or 1(b) of this Article, for each such violation: (i) (1) the System Arbitrator may impose a fine of up to $500,000 on any player or player agent found to have committed such violation, and (2) shall, unless the parties to this Agreement otherwise agree, order the player to disgorge any undisclosed compensation found to have been paid in violation of Section 1 of this Article unless the player establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that he was unaware of the violation; and (ii) the Commissioner shall be authorized to void any Player Contract(s) that was (or were) the direct cause of such violation.
(b)Clubs. In the event that the System Arbitrator finds a violation of Subsection 1(a) of this Article, for each such violation, the Commissioner shall be authorized to: (i) impose a fine of up to $6,500,000, payable to the NFL, upon any Club found to have committed such violation; (ii) order the forfeiture of up to a maximum of two draft choices (without limitation as to round) by the Club found to have committed such violation; (iii) impose a fine of up to $500,000 on any Club executive or other Club personnel found to have committed such violation; and/or (iv) suspend for up to one year any Club executive or other Club personnel found to have committed such violation. In the event that the System Arbitrator finds a violation of Subsection 1(b) of this Article, for each such violation, the System Arbitrator may: (i) impose a fine of up to $6,500,000, payable to the NFL, upon any Club found to have committed such violation; and (ii) impose a fine of up to $500,000 on any Club executive or other Club personnel found to have committed such violation. In addition, in the event that the System Arbitrator finds a violation of Subsection 1(b) of this Article, for each such violation, the Commissioner (i) shall be authorized to order the forfeiture of up to a maximum of two Draft choices (without limitation as to round) by the Club found to have committed such violation; and (ii) shall, unless the parties agree otherwise, suspend for up to one year any Club executive or other Club personnel found to have committed such violation. In imposing sanctions pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence, the Commissioner shall apply the same standards that he would apply in the event of a violation of Subsection 1(a), taking into account the sanctions, if any, imposed by the System Arbitrator. In agreeing to the two preceding sentences, the parties have not waived or affected their respective positions as to whether the Commissioner does or does not have the authority to impose discipline for such violations against any Club, Club executive, or other Club personnel greater than the sanctions set forth in this Article, and the preceding two sentences shall not be considered in any resolution of that issue. For purposes of this Subsection 6(b), the term “Club personnel” shall not include players.
(c)Subject to the next to last sentence of Subsection 6(b) above, the sanctions set forth in Subsections 6(a) and 6(b) above shall be the sole penalties under this Agreement for conduct in violation of Section 1 of this Article or Sections 1–3 of Article 18, and each of the sanctions set forth in Subsections 6(a) or 6(b) above may not be imposed more than once on the same person or Club for the same conduct, even if such conduct constitutes a violation of both Section 1 of this Article and Sections 1–3 of Article 18. All fines collected from players and agents, and all disgorged compensation collected from players pursuant to this Section 6, shall be contributed and allocated as prescribed in Article 46, Section 5(c). For each League Year after the 2011 League Year, each of the maximum fines set forth in this Section 6 shall be adjusted by the same percentage as the change in Projected AR for that League Year as compared to the Projected AR for the prior League Year (up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) per League Year). (d) The sanctions set forth in Sections 6(a) and 6(b) above shall not be implemented until the conclusion of any appeals thereof.
Section 7. Revenue Circumvention
In the event that a Club or anyone acting on its behalf fails to materially report or materially misreports AR or non-AR in a manner designed to serve the purpose of defeating or circumventing the intention of the parties as reflected by the provisions of this Agreement with respect to such revenues, the NFLPA and/or the NFL shall have the right to initiate a proceeding before the System Arbitrator to determine whether such conduct is in violation of this Section 7 of this Article. In the event that the System Arbitrator finds a violation of this Section 7, the System Arbitrator may impose a fine upon the Club of up to $5,000,000, payable to the NFL for donation to charitable funds as agreed to by the parties. For each League Year after the 2020 League Year, the maximum fine set forth in this Section shall be adjusted by the same percentage as the change in Projected AR for that League Year as compared to the Projected AR for the prior League Year (up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) per League Year).
Section 8. NFL Audit Rights(a)
The NFL shall have the right to audit records of Clubs and Club Affiliates to investigate allegations of violations of Section 1 of this Article.
(b)In agreeing to this Section, the parties have not waived or affected their respective positions as to whether the NFL may conduct any Club-related audits beyond those set forth in the preceding sentence, and this Section shall not be considered in any resolution of that issue.
Section 9. Prior Consultation
Reasonably prior to the initiation of a proceeding alleging a violation of Subsection 1(a) or 1(b) above, the parties shall confer in person or by telephone to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the dispute, and the charging party shall disclose to the other party (either the NFLPA or the NFL, as the case may be) all evidence (whether exculpatory or inculpatory) concerning such alleged violation (and provide a copy of all such evidence in documentary form), including but not limited to any such evidence that is the product of any investigation by or on behalf of the charging party. All such evidence subsequently acquired by the charging party shall be subject to disclosure to the other party in any resulting proceeding. This Section shall not require the disclosure of any attorney-client communication, or any work product created by or at the request of an attorney. In addition, any attempt by the League, the NFL, or any Club to have discipline imposed on any person (including but not limited to a Club) for conduct in violation of Subsection 1(a) or 1(b) above shall be immediately disclosed to the NFLPA.