NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Revenue Accounting and Calculation of the Salary Cap
Section 3Accounting Reports & Projections
Special Purpose Letters and AR Reporting.
As provided below, each League Year the parties will be provided with one or more “Special Purpose Letters” by an independent accounting firm (hereinafter “the Accountants”) which report the AR, Player Cost Amount, Team Salary, Cash Spending, and Benefits of each Club and the NFL for that League Year, utilizing information reported by independent Club and League accounting firms, and information obtained by the Accountants through its review procedures. The Accountants shall be a nationally recognized accounting firm jointly appointed by the NFL and the NFLPA. The parties agree to share equally the cost of the Accountants. The Reporting Package to be used by the Clubs and the League in providing information to the Accountants (“Revenue Reports”) in each of the NFL playing seasons covered by this Agreement shall be agreed to by the parties, and shall be reported on a March 31 year-end basis unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The basic review procedures to be performed by the Accountants are set forth below, and may be modified and/or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties. The engagement of the Accountants shall be deemed to be renewed annually unless the Accountants are discharged by either party during the period from May 1 to July 1 of that year. Each Special Purpose Letter shall be based upon the best available information at the time of its issuance, and shall include a report of adjustments and new information obtained with respect to amounts previously reported for prior League Years.
The amount of any Salary Cap and League-Wide Cash Spending that may apply in a League Year shall be determined at the times and utilizing the Special Purpose Letters and other information described below.
In the event than any error is found in AR, Benefits, or Player Cost Amount in respect of any League Year subsequent to the 2020 League Year, which, if it had not occurred, would have resulted in any increase or decrease in any Salary Cap in one or more prior League Years, the total amount of any such Salary Cap shortfall or overage, as the case may be, shall be added or subtracted, as the case may be, the next time the Salary Cap is calculated. An inaccuracy in an estimate that was made in a prior League Year shall not be considered an error for purposes of this Subsection, and such estimates shall be reconciled by the Accountants each League Year. In the event that an inaccuracy in an estimate is not reconciled, the failure to do so shall be considered an error for purposes of this Subsection. Any individual errors proposed for correction pursuant to this Subsection that are greater than $25,000 must be substantiated by evidence and be reviewed with the NFL, the NFLPA, and the Accountants prior to the correction being made. Any dispute regarding such corrections shall be subject to the procedures that apply under Subsection (viii) below.
To the extent that the amounts and information set forth in a Special Purpose Letter indicates that the amount of any Salary Cap for any prior League Year within the term of this Agreement should have been different from the amount actually utilized, any such difference shall be credited or deducted, as the case may be, to the next Salary Cap to be set, with Interest. Any such adjustment in the Final League Year shall be immediate.
The Accountants shall review the reasonableness of any estimates included in any Club’s Revenue Reports in the League Years covered by this Agreement and may make such adjustments in such estimates as they deem appropriate. To the extent that the actual amounts of revenues received or expenses incurred differ from such estimates, adjustments shall be made as provided in Subsection (ii) above.
The Accountants shall receive, in connection with their duties: (1) access to and copies of the Local Accountant workpapers with respect to the Schedule described in Appendix F; and (2) access to the financial audit workpapers of the Local Accountants or League Office (to the extent necessary), provided that any information derived from the access described in this clause (2) will be held in confidence and will not be part of any file subject to NFLPA review.
The NFL will use its best efforts to ensure that any contract between the League, any Club, or any Club Affiliate, and any third party in connection with the sale or marketing of any source of AR shall include terms that provide to the Accountants and the NFLPA access to any and all financial and contractual information and documents in the possession, custody, or control of such third party to which the Club, Club Affiliate, or any other entity controlled by the owner of the Club has any right to any access, relating to such revenue source or any other financial or contractual relationship or transaction between such third party and the League, the Club involved in the sale or marketing of such revenue source, any Affiliate of that Club, or any of that Club’s owners. In each case such access shall be subject to and limited by the rules set forth in this Agreement or otherwise agreed to by the parties regarding the dissemination of information provided to the Accountants and the NFLPA pursuant to the audit process. If the NFL, despite its best efforts, cannot ensure such access, the NFLPA shall have the right to obtain an order against the Club or Club Affiliate requiring that such access be allowed.
For any future Super Bowl bid, the NFL shall require Super Bowl Host Committees to commit to the following, should the bid be awarded to that City/Host Committee:
Designate an executive level member of the Host Committee to be responsible for Host Committee Salary Cap Accounting purposes. Designated individual must be available to provide answers to questions from the parties for a period of at least six months following the Super Bowl. The Host Committee shall be subject to audit by the NFLPA Auditor during this six-month period.
Within three months following the Super Bowl, provide a declaration with a detailed list of events/services that occurred in connection with the Super Bowl by the Host Committee.
Retain an independent, third-party certified public accounting firm to prepare a detailed schedule of the Host Committee’s expenses incurred for production of Super Bowl events (e.g., NFL Honors, NFL House, Tailgate, NFL Experience and Super Bowl game), providing detail similar to the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee closing financial report, for review by the parties. Such report shall include copies of: (i) all vendor expenditure contracts entered into by the Host Committee in connection with Super Bowl (e.g., game-day security, game-day traffic control); (ii) all Super Bowl Host Committee state and local tax returns; and (iii) documents establishing all deliverables provided by the Host Committee to the NFL and/or NFL Clubs.
The NFL shall also use its best efforts to obtain this information for Super Bowls already awarded.
At present, the NFL Draft does not have a Host Committee or equivalent entity. Should that change during the term of this Agreement, the terms of Subsection (B) and the mutual reservation of rights in Subsection (E) as to whether any Draft-related revenue should be considered AR shall apply to the NFL Draft Host Committees.
The scope of any additional AR to be included with respect to Super Bowl Host Committees shall be expressly left open, with both parties reserving their rights.
Reasonably prior to the issuance of a Special Purpose Letter, the Accountants shall, as set forth in Appendix F attached hereto, notify designated representatives of the NFL and the NFLPA: (1) if the Accountants have any questions concerning the amounts of revenues reported by the Clubs or any other information contained in the Revenue Reports submitted by the Clubs; and (2) if the Accountants propose that any adjustments be made to any revenue item or any other information contained in the Revenue Reports submitted by the Clubs.
In the event of any dispute concerning the amounts (as opposed to includability or the interpretation, validity or application of this Agreement) to be included in the Revenue Reports, including any dispute concerning any findings or determinations concerning expenses made by the Accountants related to Subsection 1(a)(xiii)(2) above that cannot be resolved among the parties (hereinafter referred to as “Disputed Adjustments”), such dispute shall be resolved by the Accountants after consulting and meeting with representatives of both parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party shall have the right to contest, by commencing a System Arbitrator proceeding pursuant to this Agreement, any Disputed Adjustments made by the Accountants, whenever such Disputed Adjustments for all Clubs are adverse to the party commencing the proceeding in an aggregate amount of $5 million or more in any League Year covered by this Agreement. If the Disputed Adjustments for all Clubs are adverse to the party commencing the proceeding in an aggregate amount of $5 million or more but less than $10 million, the parties agree that: (1) the hearing will take place on an expedited basis and will not last longer than one full day, provided, however, that if, despite the reasonable efforts of the parties, the hearing cannot be completed in one day, the hearing shall continue, unless the parties otherwise agree, day-to-day until concluded; and (2) if the party that brings the proceeding does not substantially prevail after the hearing, then that party shall pay the reasonable costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, of the other party for its defense of the proceeding. The immediately preceding sentence shall have no application to System Arbitrator Proceedings in which the Disputed Adjustments for all Clubs adverse to the party bringing the proceeding equal or exceed $10 million. All other disputes among the parties as to the interpretation, validity, or application of this Agreement, or with respect to any Salary or Benefits amount included in a Revenue Report, shall be resolved by the System Arbitrator appointed pursuant to this Agreement, as set forth in Article 15.
After receiving a Final Special Purpose Letter, the NFLPA shall have the right, upon reasonable notice and at its own expense, to conduct an audit of the League and any of its Clubs to further verify the accuracy of the information in such Final Special Purpose Letter through an auditor hired by the NFLPA (subject to notification and approval by the NFL, not to be unreasonably withheld) (the “NFLPA Auditor”). A representative of the NFL shall accompany the NFLPA Auditor on any site visits during any such audit, but shall not interfere with the conduct of the audit. The NFLPA Auditor shall make diligent efforts to complete its report no later than sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled issuance of the next Final Special Purpose Letter so that the Accountants and the parties may address any issues in advance of such next Final Special Purpose Letter. The Clubs shall provide reasonable cooperation in the audit process. The NFLPA Auditor may copy documents it reviews in the course of its audits and maintain copies of documents reviewed in its office. Other than as set forth in this Subsection, the NFLPA Auditor may not show any such copies to anyone other than its partners, employees, and agents. The documentation made available and the information contained therein shall be held in strict confidence and may be discussed only with individuals authorized in this Subsection, or as jointly authorized by the NFL and the NFLPA. The NFLPA Auditor may prepare one or more written or oral reports for the use of the NFLPA in connection with this Agreement, which may refer to and discuss the contents of documents reviewed, but which may not include copies of any such documents. Any such report shall not be referred to or distributed to anyone outside of the NFLPA or the NFLPA Auditor for any other purpose. If the NFLPA determines in the exercise of its judgment that matters discussed in the NFLPA Auditor’s report may indicate a violation of this Agreement, then the NFLPA Auditor may show (but not provide) a copy of such documents (or portions thereof) that it considers in the exercise of its judgment to be relevant to such potential violation to counsel for the NFLPA, the Executive Director and General Counsel of the NFLPA, up to three NFLPA staff personnel (whose authority to receive such information shall be disclosed in advance to the NFL) and up to three members of the NFLPA Executive Committee (whose authority to receive such information shall be disclosed in advance to the NFL). In addition, a copy of such documents may be presented to the System Arbitrator and/or a court in any proceeding to enforce this Agreement. At least four (4) business days prior to commencing any such proceeding based upon such documents, the NFLPA will advise the NFL of the alleged violation upon which the proceeding would be based; the parties shall stipulate to reasonable protective order terms and conditions to protect the confidentiality of such information. Except in connection with a proceeding as described in the preceding sentence, the NFLPA, its representatives and agents shall not refer to or distribute such copies to anyone outside of their organizations for any other purpose.
Projected AR, Projected Benefits, True-Ups, and Timetable.
Prior to the start of each League Year, the parties will meet for the purpose of agreeing upon the projections to be used to determine Projected AR and Projected Benefits, including incremental stadium-related revenues from the opening or any new stadium or major renovation of an existing stadium, or any known modifications of an existing stadium lease, and contracted revenues and/or percentage adjustments to be used for League Media, NFL Ventures/Postseason, and Local AR from the prior League Year. In the absence of agreement of the parties otherwise, Projected AR shall be projected on the basis of: (A) for League Media AR, on the basis of the League Media contracts; (B) for NFL Ventures/Postseason AR, on the basis of League-level contracts and year-over-year growth rates for such AR not specified in a League-level contract; and (C) for Local AR, (1) for gate, on the basis of the average prior-year ticket price (taking into account any announced price increases or decreases for the upcoming season) multiplied by the actual prior-year attendance (adjusted to account for any new or significantly renovated stadiums, relocations, or expansions); and (2) for all other Local AR, on the basis of the year-overyear growth rates, or, in the absence of agreement on the growth rate, on the basis of the annual percentage increase for such revenues over the prior four League Years (using a compound annual growth rate), in either case adjusted to account for any new or significantly renovated stadiums, new revenue streams, relocations, or expansions. Projected Benefits shall be any Benefits projected to be paid (or properly accrued) in the applicable League Year pursuant to this Agreement, provided that if the amounts to be paid for any Benefit during the next League Year are not reasonably calculable, then, for the purposes of calculating Projected Benefits, the projected amount to be paid for the Benefit shall be the amounts expended by NFL Teams for the same Benefit in the prior League Year.
Based on the meeting described in Subsection (i), the Accountants shall prepare an Initial Special Purpose Letter based on the Clubs’ January reporting submissions that will set forth Projected AR and Projected Benefits for the upcoming League Year and an initial calculation of actual AR and actual Benefits from the prior League Year. Following the method set forth in Section 6 below, any difference between the Salary Cap from the prior League Year and the Salary Cap that would have applied in that League Year had the updated AR and Benefits information been used as Projected AR and Projected Benefits when that Salary Cap was set shall be a “True-Up,” to be credited or deducted, as the case may be, in the calculation of the Salary Cap for the upcoming League Year using the method set forth in Section 6. Any such True-Up shall include Interest.
No later than August 30 of each League Year, the Accountants shall prepare a Final Special Purpose Letter based on the final reporting packages from the League and the Clubs from the prior League Year, that shall set forth (A) the final calculation of actual AR for the prior League Year, (B) the final calculation of actual Benefits for the prior League Year, and (C) the League-Wide Cash Spending for the prior League Year. Following the method set forth in Section 6 below, any difference between: (1) the Salary Cap from the prior League Year as adjusted by any True-Up made after the Initial Special Purpose Letter pursuant to Subsection (ii) above; and (2) the Salary Cap that would have applied if the AR and Benefits from the Final Special Purpose Letter had been used as Projected AR and Projected Benefits when that Salary Cap was set, shall be a further “True-Up,” to be credited or deducted, as the case may be, in the calculation of the Salary Cap for the upcoming League Year using the method set forth in Section 6. Any such further True-Up shall include Interest. For the 2020 League Year only, Projected AR shall contain the NFL’s good faith estimate of $150 million for the revenues that will be generated by the addition of the two playoff games for the 2020 NFL season referenced in the letter dated March 3, 2020 between the NFL and the NFLPA on this subject. If, but only if, such additional playoff games are not added in 2020, then there will be no true-up for this projection.
In the Final League Year, the Accountants shall issue the Final Special Purpose Letter by May 1st of the Final League Year, and any True-Up related to the Final League Year shall be implemented immediately.
Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else in this Agreement, if, after the initial calculation of Projected AR for a League Year, a new League-wide television contract is entered into for that League Year, such amounts shall be substituted for the amount for League-wide television revenues previously included in Projected AR. In addition, if one or more new Clubs are scheduled to be added to the NFL during the next League Year as one or more expansion Clubs, Projected AR will include an additional projection of AR determined in a manner agreed to by the parties. In all of the events described in this Subsection, the Accountants shall calculate a revised Projected AR, Projected Benefits, and Projected Player Cost Amount within fourteen (14) days of the triggering event, and the Salary Cap shall immediately be adjusted accordingly, utilizing the method set forth in Section 5.
In the event that the NFLPA exercises any right to reduce or freeze or increase certain Benefits, Projected Benefits (and the Salary Cap) shall be adjusted immediately to reflect such changes.
In the event the amount of Projected Benefits is adjusted pursuant to: (1) Subsection (vi) above; (2) the dispute resolution procedures of Article 52, Section 4; (3) agreement of the parties; or (4) as otherwise permitted by this Agreement, then the Salary Cap shall be immediately recalculated to reflect the adjustment in Projected Benefits.