NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Appendix LInjury Grievance Settlement
Upon receipt of and in consideration for the sum of _____________ ($ ), minus applicable taxes, __________ (“Player”), for himself and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby release and discharge the__________ (“Club”), its officers, directors, stockholders, employees, agents, and representatives, the NFL Management Council, and the National Football League, and their members, employees, agents, and representatives, from any and all liability relating to the Injury Grievance filed by Player and the NFL Players Association on ________________ pursuant to Article 44 of the 2020 NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement. [Include IP and Extended IP release as appropriate]
By their signatures hereto, the parties acknowledge and affirm that this is a compromise settlement of a disputed claim, and that payment of the consideration for this release shall not be deemed or construed as an admission of liability by the Club. Under this Settlement and Release, the Player and the Club specifically reserve any and all rights they may have under federal and state law.
Player acknowledges that he has hereby been given notice that he may have rights under the applicable Workers’ Compensation laws in __________ and jurisdictions other than ____________, as a result of any claimed injuries in the scope of his employment with the Club, whether on a specific or cumulative trauma basis. [OPTIONAL]
The parties agree that the above-referenced $__________ represents payment to Player for _____ (__) regular season games of Paragraph 5 salary for the purposes of Article 41, Section 4 [and entitles the player to a Credited Season under the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan (if applicable)]
By their signatures hereto, the parties certify that they have read this Settlement and Release, that they understand its meaning and content, and that they have executed it as a free and voluntary act.
_____________________________ ___________________________
For the CLUB Player
Subscribed and sworn to before Subscribed and sworn to before
me this ___ day of ________, 20___. me this ___ day of ______, 20__.
_____________________________ ___________________________
Notary Public Notary Public