NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement

Article 62
Gene Upshaw NFL Player Health Reimbursement Account

Section 2

For each of the 2020 through 2030 Plan Years, a contribution shall be made to the Health Reimbursement Plan on behalf of the NFL Clubs based on the actuarial assumptions and methods contained in Appendix O. The unfunded present value of accrued nominal accounts are funded at times selected by the NFL in an amount sufficient to pay reimbursements when they become due. All such contributions are held for the exclusive benefit of Participants and their beneficiaries, and under no circumstances will any assets of the Plan ever revert to, or be used by, a Club, the League, or the NFLPA. Notwithstanding the above, any contribution made by or on behalf of a Club to the Plan due to a mistake of fact or law will be returned to such Club within six months of the determination that such contribution was in error. The return of contributions is limited to that portion of the contribution as to which there was a mistake of fact or law. A returned contribution will not include any earnings attributable to the contribution, but will be reduced by any losses attributable to the contribution. It will be the duty of the fiduciaries of the Health Reimbursement Plan to pursue all available legal remedies in an effort to assure payment of all contributions due under this Agreement. No participant or beneficiary is required to or permitted to contribute, except as may be required by law. The present value of accrued nominal accounts will be determined based on the actuarial assumptions and methods contained in Appendix O.